
Showing posts from March, 2019
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Chemical Libraries and Chemoinformatics approaches to Drug Discovery from Natural Sources.  A successful, high-level collaborative meeting funded by the French Embassy and UCL Grand Challenges took place in the UCL School of Pharmacy 5th-6th March 2019 co-organised by Dr Prieto-Garcia (UCL School of Pharmacy) and Prof Bruno David (Pierre-Fabre and Univ. of Toulouse). The workshop allowed academics and researchers from 7 different French and British Universities to discuss state-of-the-art computational approaches in order to unlock the potential of natural products as sources of drug leads. Current development of medicines from nature is hampered by the limitations of classic isolation strategies overlooking minor but powerful metabolites. Dr Genta-Jouve from Universite Paris-Decartes explained how these can be anticipated using open tools such a MetWork. Dr Beniddir (Universite Paris-Saclay) demonstrated how the application of Metabolomics-driv